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Familiar with Fred Perry? Sports Icons Grandslamming Fashion labels

You're probably already familiar with Fred Perry designer clothing for athletes, since it has been a favourite among both active men and women, even as 2009 marked one hundred years since Perry was born.

While you may be better acquainted with his legacy through the familiar laurel logo on his designer sports wear, the man was actually a legend himself as well. Most famous for playing tennis, Perry managed to leave his mark on history with eight grand slam victories and was able to win all four majors during his career. All of this before he went pro back in 1937. That includes the highly coveted Wimbledon.

Although this British sports icon never did manage to achieve those victories again after going pro, he did begin to dabble in designing sportswear many years into his own retirement. Inspired by an anti-perspiration device used by Australian football player Tibby Wegner, Perry added some innovation of his own and the sweatband was born. That was only the beginning, however.

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